Halibut, Alaska

This was pretty tight between Norway and Alaska we’ve gone for the latter because if you go for them you are very unlikely not to catch them there. Norway can certainly produce enormous halibut for sure. But if this king of flatfish is your target fish and you want your best chance of ticking it off the list, head to Alaska. Alaskan halibut are known as ‘barn doors’, with fish over 200lb a real possibility – the biggest caught there on rod and line weighed over 450lb. Homer is regarded as Alaska’s capital halibut city with fishing less than an hour out of harbour. Here limit two-fish catches are the norm. If it’s halibut from the shore that you want, look towards Bodo in Northern Norway inside the Arctic Circle.

Halibut world record

The town is famed for providing opportunities to hook big halibut within casting range, and in 2018 produced a new shore caught world record of 153lb 8oz to Ken angler Dave Wood-Brignall.

Alaska: www.alaska.org/advice/best-halibut-fishing
Norway: www.sportquestholidays.com/species/saltwater/sea-fishing-atlantic-halibut/

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