Category: Match Fishing News

Comeback kings England secure bronze medal in European Championships in Holland as France win the gold medal

The Angling Trust England Men’s match fishing team is beginning to make second day comebacks to win medals a bit of a habit, as after storming back for silver in last year’s World Champs, the side put in an equally impressive day two performance in this year’s European Championships to take the bronze medals! Sitting […]

River Blackwater angler collapses with e.coli

The Angling Trust is issuing urgent advice after angler Mark Erdwin became seriously ill after a session on the River Blackwater, a tributary of the River Thames. Mark was rushed to hospital after becoming violently ill and collapsing and was found to be suffering from the deadly E. coli bacteria. Mark told ITN: “I feel […]

Memoriable comeback grabs England silver at world match fishing championships 2023 as Serbia grab gold in Spain

Team England staged a major comeback on Day 2 of the Nations World Championships in Spain to earn themselves a well-deserved silver medal… and took silver and bronze in the individual competition too! Mark Downes’ squad of William Raison, Sean Ashby, James Dent, Steve Hemingray, Cameron Hughes, and Matt Godfrey found the opening day’s match […]

Angling Trust launches ‘Fishing for Good’ 5-year plan

The Angling Trust has launched its vision for fishing and the environment in its five-year strategic plan, Fishing for Good 2023-28. Through the pillars of campaigning, participation, competitions and supporting grass roots clubs and fisheries, the report outlines how the Angling Trust will play a leading role in achieving key goals that will enrich and […]

How is your rod licence money spent?

The Environment Agency (EA) has released its Fisheries Annual Report for 21/22 which details how and where fishing licence income is spent. During the financial year 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2022 the EA sold 934,760 fishing licences which generated an income of £21,854,093. So how has this income helped promote fishing? The report […]

England Under 21 Match Angling Squad Selected for River Sorraia World Youth Championships, Portugal

Angling Trust Team England U20 manager Jason Kirk has named his squad for this year’s World Youth Championships following an action-packed assessment day at Barston Lakes on Sunday May 7, 2023. Fourteen anglers between the age of 15 and 20 were selected to attend the session on the main lake at the Midlands’ complex and […]

Angling Trust and Environment Agency reopen fund to help control invasive species and increase biosecurity

The Angling Improvement Fund (AIF) reopens on Friday, 14 April, for funding towards projects involved in tackling the spread of invasive non-native species and measures to increase biosecurity at angling venues. The AIF is administered by the Angling Trust and is just one of the ways the Environment Agency is reinvesting income from fishing licence […]