Over 100 schools have the potential to go fishing following angling’s attendance at the School and Sports Partnerships’ Conference organised by the Youth Sports Trust in Telford last week (15th & 16th September).

Both the NFA and ADB attended the conference in a bid to increase the number of schools becoming hooked on angling education and deliver the NFA’s ‘Introduction to Angling and the Environment’ nationally accredited OCN qualification. With over 1,600 delegates in attendance including Head Teachers, Partnership Development Managers and School Sports Co-ordinators the conference provided a unique opportunity to communicate the benefits of angling to the school sport community.

The level of interest that the ‘Angling Education’ stand generated was extremely positive with numerous County Sport Partnerships, Partnership Development Managers and School Sport Co-ordinators all expressing a strong interest in delivering angling. Each of these groups look after at least five schools with larger areas having greater responsibility, making them pivotal to delivering angling into schools.

With so many key decision makers showing an interest, it proves that the sport of angling is making waves in the educational establishments. It’s now being recognised as a key learning tool for teachers and integral to help schools achieve their target of providing five hours of sport a week for every pupil.

As one Partnership Development Manager, Nick Gaywood of Holgate School Sports Partnership commented, “Angling provides a great way to engage with youngsters in schools and help us meet our five hours of sport a week target. The education programme is also exceptionally versatile helping youngsters learn about a range of subjects including the environment, science and geography – angling really is the whole package.”

Tom Goldspink, who attended the conference on behalf of the NFA added, “I have been to a number of these conferences and everyyear we can see the level of awareness and interest in angling grow and grow. It is essential for angling to work with the Youth Sport Trust and School Sports Network to facilitate the delivery of the sport into schools and create a sustainable future for angling.”