Category: Coarse Fishing News

Three new record British fish ratified: ide, crucian carp, black mouthed dogfish

The British Record Fish Committee met remotely via online meeting facility on 19th July 2021. Present were: Mike Heylin OBE (Chairman), Oliver Crimmen (Scientific Advisor, Natural History Museum), Nigel Hewlett (Scientific Advisor, Environment Agency), Paul Coulson (Freshwater Specialist), Will Barnard (Freshwater Specialist), Andrew Nellist (Freshwater Specialist), David Craig (Ireland representative), Dr Phill Williams (Marine Specialist), […]

Barbel Society call for otter cull ‘ill considered’ and downright dangerous’ – Angling Trust

The Barbel Society Officers have recently launched a petition on the government website calling for the removal of the current legal protected status of otters. This follows on from their 2018 petition calling for ‘non-lethal controls’ which was comprehensively rejected by the government. The Angling Trust has been asked to respond and the following statement […]

Brexit poses questions for anglers who wish to take baits on overseas fishing trips

The Angling Trust has joined forces with bait manufacturers Dynamite and Mainline in urgently seeking clarification on Brexit ruling which will effectively ban UK anglers from taking baits with them on fishing trips in Europe. Since the UK-EU Trade Agreement came into force on January 1st, the export of baits derived from animal produce, such […]

Rod licence sales boom as lockdown eases

• Over quarter of a million licences sold after lockdown restrictions lifted • People across England appear to be turning to an age-old pastime with built-in social distancing Environment Agency figures released today show a huge surge in fishing licence sales after the government lifted restrictions on outdoor activities. Between 13 May 2020, when the […]

Fishing permitted from Wednesday this week: Angling Trust reaction

Angling allowed providing it’s done alone or with members of the same household and that social distancing rules are followed. But tackle shops remain closed.     The Angling Trust has given a warm welcome to the announcement today (May 10th) by Prime Minster Boris Johnson that recreational fishing looks set to resume in England […]

Plan for getting back to fishing from the UK’s angling governing body….

The National Governing Body for recreational fishing in the UK – the Angling Trust –  is campaigning for angling to become one of the first permitted outdoor activities when ministers review the coronavirus lockdown restrictions on May 7th. Fishing is one of Britain’s most popular pastimes and has long been known to be beneficial to […]