Four times World Champion gives his guide to winter pole fishing for roach on the Old River Nene in March, Cambs.
Bob Nudd In Session: Pole Fishing for Roach on the Old River Nene – Free to View
Alan Scotthorne: How To Fish Lindholme Lakes In Winter – Free to View
Alan Scotthorne describes his winter tactics on the seven main match lakes at Drennan Lindholme Lakes. He covers rigs, baits and tactics in detail, as well as explaining how he approaches different areas of each lake…
Tom Pickering’s Top 10 Commercial Fishery Tips For Winter – Free to View
Tom Pickering uncovers the key lessons that you need to remember to maximise your chances of success this winter on commercial fisheries as he targets Aston Park Fisheries near Sheffield, a venue not that far from his home, yet one he’s not fished before.
Target Winter Commercials with Matt Godfrey – Free to View
Join England international Matt Godfrey on the banks of Hallcroft Fishery, Yorkshire where the England International goes through a typical day’s fishing. Matt explains where to start, how to bait up correctly, what rigs to use and last but not least what baits work best.
Andy Mann – Winter Fishing On Commercials – Free to View Video
Top Welsh rugby player Andy Mann is no stranger to Weston Pools and in his debut filming session he nets loads of fish on three different lines. Starting with the long sixteen metre flick rig he moves to a shallow thirteen metre line then ends short. All this on a very cold winter’s day… and […]
15lb Severn Zander at last for Gary Knowles
Gary Knowles has achieved one of his long term angling ambitions by landing this magnificent 15lb 12 oz zander from the Lower Severn. Gary picks up the story: “I took a trip down to the lower Severn with my long suffering boat partner Edward Matthews, it is a long trip but we both felt there […]
Fishing without a licence costs two Staffordshire men over £1,200
A fishing day trip to Carney Pools in Bishton, Stafford on 9 May this year for 2 men from Staffordshire has resulted in them each receiving a penalty of £619 for fishing without a licence. Their cases were brought to Cannock Magistrates Court by the Environment Agency on Tuesday 7 December where 27-year old Jon […]
Pike ace Gustafson on Fishing TV
Legendary English Pike angler, presenter and author, Paul Gustafson is returning to your screens with his 3 classic films about Pike Fishing. Fishing TV, a global video on demand fishing channel, has recently found and digitised the DVD’s of How to Catch Bigger Pike, How to Catch River Pike and Pike Fishing in Ireland which […]
Three new record British fish ratified: ide, crucian carp, black mouthed dogfish
The British Record Fish Committee met remotely via online meeting facility on 19th July 2021. Present were: Mike Heylin OBE (Chairman), Oliver Crimmen (Scientific Advisor, Natural History Museum), Nigel Hewlett (Scientific Advisor, Environment Agency), Paul Coulson (Freshwater Specialist), Will Barnard (Freshwater Specialist), Andrew Nellist (Freshwater Specialist), David Craig (Ireland representative), Dr Phill Williams (Marine Specialist), […]
Barbel Society hits back at the Angling Trust; Petition not ‘a damaging stunt’
Barbel Society Response to the Angling Trust Regarding the Otter Petition On April 8th 2021 The Barbel Society initiated a petition with the main intention of keeping the otter situation in regard to its status and balance at the top of the agenda. We are looking to achieve a substantial number of signatures in order […]
Barbel Society call for otter cull ‘ill considered’ and downright dangerous’ – Angling Trust
The Barbel Society Officers have recently launched a petition on the government website calling for the removal of the current legal protected status of otters. This follows on from their 2018 petition calling for ‘non-lethal controls’ which was comprehensively rejected by the government. The Angling Trust has been asked to respond and the following statement […]
Brexit poses questions for anglers who wish to take baits on overseas fishing trips
The Angling Trust has joined forces with bait manufacturers Dynamite and Mainline in urgently seeking clarification on Brexit ruling which will effectively ban UK anglers from taking baits with them on fishing trips in Europe. Since the UK-EU Trade Agreement came into force on January 1st, the export of baits derived from animal produce, such […]
250 baby barbel for the River Severn
Rowley and Fenemere Angling Association are kean to learn how their recent stocking of 250 dye marked 12-inch baby barbel into their stretch of the River Severn at Leaton get on. So if you catch one, give club chairman Max Taylor a call on 07977 048270 or email him on . More stockings are […]
Surge in numbers angling and joining clubs notced by Sport England
Pic: Ali Donnelly and Phil Smith from Sport England with Jamie Cooke in background Sport England’s Director of Sport Phil Smith and Director of Communications Ali Donnelly joined the Angling Trust’s Jamie Cook and Martin Salter as guests of Godalming Angling Society at Marsh Farm for their first ever fishing trip. Marsh Farm is home […]
Online petition for protect vital Norfolk Broads breeding grounds
Angling, fishery and wildlife interests in the Norfolk Broads have come together to draw public attention to the extremely serious threat to fish stocks and the wildlife which depend upon them, as a result of the proposed fish barriers closing off Hoveton Great Broad and Hudson’s Bay which are an integral part of the Northern […]