CRAIL is an east-facing area which fishes extremely well for cod in summer and winter,
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with fish into double figures on the cards.
Crail is one of the most popular areas on the
From the north take the A917 from
This stretch is accessed by taking the road towards Fife Ness. Just as you pass the last house turn right at the signpost. This road takes you down to the caravan site. At the site either park on the grass verge at the entrance, or if you are considerate you can find areas to park in the site. Good rock stances can be found all along here from the gate to the end of the site. If you haven’t had a fish or bite in a short while, move around until you find the fish as they can concentrate in one area here.
Roome Rocks
Getting here is exactly the same as the caravan park, but park at the gate on the grass verge, walk straight down to the rocks at the point and you are there. This mark isn’t a mark where you have plenty of space to move around, but a move from skeer to skeer can bring the changes. This is often a popular mark in competitions, so unless you are fishing a match avoid it, as most of the skeers will have their fill of anglers on them.
Roome Bay
Access here is by following the Fife Ness road until you see the turning to the left. The
The Hole in the Wall
During the winter months the harbour is a favourite venue as it offers a safe and easy accessible venue to fish from after a southeasterly blow. The Hole in the Wall can be found by looking for the new section of the wall, with what looks like stairs on either side. This is a high water mark, which is best-fished three hours either side. Vary your casts as many big fish have been taken at high water right at the bottom of the wall. If you catch nothing but coalies this is a sure sign that you have arrived a day too late!
The Crane
The harbour is located in the middle of the village. As you drive through the village look for the turning, which is clearly signposted. Follow this road down to the harbour, park up and walk to the very end to the white crane. Fishing here is a winter high water affair. Cast into the gulley, which is in front of you as the tide rises. The anglers on your left will take fish first as they travel up the gully towards the beach. When bites dry up, turn round and cast towards the beach. This can often throw a bonus fish out.
The Beach
The beach is accessed the same way as the harbour, but instead of walking down the harbour, walk round to the right onto the beach. This mark can fish well in a big blow when the water is coming over the harbour, making it unfishable. Two hours either side of high water is the preferred time, but weed can be a problem, especially in early winter. In these conditions use 30lb line straight through to help combat the weed.
Tackle Shops
BMT Angling Supplies, 337 High St,
Spike’s Plaice, 260 High St,
Deals On Reels, 18 Station Rd,
TF Top Tip
It’s a good idea to incorporate a rotten bottom weak link into all of your rigs at these marks. Make sure you take along some frozen fish bait, just in case the dogfish are feeding.