Sunday 10th June 2012 open Lookout
Conditions:- Mostly cloudy, ambient temp 12 deg, wind NW5 mph, barometer 1008.1mb moon phase waning crescent, Water temp 15.4 deg, DO 5.8 , PH 7.63, MV –41
1st Neil Brown 46lb peg 13
2nd Dave Pearson 44lb 3oz peg 5
3rd Ricky Bennett 37lb 15oz peg 24
4th John Foster 37lb 10oz peg 25
5th Graham Skirrey 33lb peg 29
6th Dave Jackson 31lb 14oz peg 6
Saturday 9th June 2012 open Bowes
Conditions:- Rain and Showers then overcast, ambient temp 16 deg, wind N 8 mph, barometer 1008.9 mb, moon phase waning gibbous, PH7.61, DO 5.76, Water temp 14.6 deg, mv –36
1st Jonny Maven 50lb 10ox peg 2
2nd Chris Pine 44lb 13oz peg 22
3rd Dave Pearson 44lb 1oz peg 4
4th Colin Pine 40lb 7oz peg 40
5th Alan Nc Guire 28lb 1oz peg 36
6th Ben Huggins 21lb 9oz peg 17
Wed 6th June 2012 open Bowes another TON UP!!!!!!
Conditions:- mostly cloudy, ambient temp 15, wind W 13mph, low barometer 996.6mb, moon phase waning gibbous, water temp 13.9 deg, ph 7.65, DO8.95, mv –55
1st Alan Mc Guire 114lb 5oz peg 40
2nd Jonny Maven jnr 74lb 3oz peg 4
3rd John Foster 67lb 10oz peg 36
4th Kim Christie 48lb 07oz peg 24
5th Alister Morris jnr 17lb 10oz peg 22
6th John Dryden 14lb 13oz peg 2
Terry Collins from Ashington had a great session on Lookout on peg 13 with over 27 carp to 10lb, 16 Ide and Orfe over 2lb, 4 bream to 6lb, and 17 tench to 5lb, he used worm tipped with caster, paste and pellet.
Young Jack Fields 11yrs old from Washington fishing with his uncle John caught steady on pellet and paste for carp and maggot for silvers, caught a 8lb 10oz bream on peg 16 on Bowes and also he caught his P B carp of 17lb 6oz a common.
We had a series of Coaching sessions on Bassetts for a Scout group who all managed to get their Angling Badges well done to the 8th Tynemouth Scout Group who did very well and the most fish caught by a scout in a session was 53 on Saturday their final session, so now we have another group of youngsters coming into fishing.