Sunday 28th Nov 2010 open (Frozen but broke ice on pegs)
Conditions: Thick snow to about 1 ft deep, ambient temperature –5 !!!, Wind N 2 mph, barometer 1006.1, Moon phase Waning Gibbous, Water temp 2 deg under ice of about 2 inches thick, DO 8.2, PH 7.45, mv 21
Some very hardy anglers turned up today and had to break the ice to fish pole, an extremely cold start to the day,
Because of the extreme cold the match was abandoned at 2pm as water was icing over immediately
Wed 24th Nov 2010 open Lookout
Conditions: – overnight snow, then partly cloudy and some snow flurries, ambient temp 2 deg feels like –1, wind NW7 mph, barometer 1010.2 mb, moon phase waning gibbous, water temp dropped to 3 deg, ph 7.45, DO 9.3, mv 22 horrible cold wet day.
1st Graham Skirrey 10lb 5oz peg 29 on maggots all silver
2nd Ricky Bennett 10lb 4oz peg 15 all carp
3rd Alan Mc Guire 4lb 4oz peg 11
4th Ray Wallace 3lb 13oz peg 25
Rest DNw
Well interesting week with lots of snow, frozen lakes and some very hardy anglers who still fished despite aggravated cold of –5 deg and frozen lakes (broke ice to fish)
Lets hope we get a thaw soon