The first of Shatterford Lakes’ 2010 Winter League Matches held on Erics began last Sunday (21.11.10) – results as follows:
1st Phil Whitehouse (West Bromwich) 25lb 8oz
2nd Ian Burgoyne (Mosella) 14lb 6oz
3rd Chris Walters (Tipton) 13lb 7oz
This week’s match, again on Erics Lake, produced much better weights, despite sub-zero temperatures:
1st Martin Knight (West Bromwich) 51lb 15oz
2nd Chris Walters (Tipton) 40lb 3oz
3rd Ian Burgoyne (Mosella) 18lb 5oz
The next match will take place on Sunday, 12th December 2010 – again on Erics Lake.
Please see our website for future dates – final 6th February 2011.