Smashing mixture of catches this week  ranging from very early and late carp a chuck on paste, pellet, conker (pellet wraped in paste) to fishing in the  margins and top three out getting silvers a chuck depending on wind direction as fish follow wind, on maggot, caster, chopped worm and pellet.

Big bream to 9lb 1oz  a male full of spawning tubicles caught on peg 6 Bowes  by Andrew craig from Sunderland, peg 4 in Mondays match also had some cracking bream weighed in seperately along side his silver net of 51lb 10oz on chopped worm and caster.

Best carp out by Iain Cheers from Yorkshire was a common 23lb 4oz he also had two big bream and a mixture of silvers on his second rod.

Lookout is fishing very well with pegs 1 and 15 doing very well for carp as is pegs 3 ,16aam  24 and 25 peg 29, peg 32,  for silvers look at 16,17, 21, 22, 35, 37, 39, 8, 9, 10.

Wed 30th April 2014  open Bowes

Conditions:- partly cloudy, ambient temp 9 deg, wind E NE 12mph, barometer 1020 mb , water temp

10.1 deg, PH 7.76, DO 8.95, mv –45

1st John Dryden 72lb 3oz peg 40

2nd Graham Skirrey 45lb 03 peg 23

3rd Rob Emery 38lb 11oz peg 3

4th John Foster 37lb peg 1

rest DNW

Friday 2nd May 2014 hassra Lookout

Torrential rain all Thursday and part overnight, then sunny, ambient temp 9 deg, wind cold NE9, barometer 1029.1 high, moon phase waxing crescent, water temp 9.1, DO 9.8, PH 7.78, mv –51

1st Barry Evans 31lb 7oz peg 3

2nd Steve Guy 30lb peg 5

3rd Graham Skirrey 25lb 12oz peg 15

Sat 3rd May 2014 open Bowes

Conditions:  overnight frost –2, sunny, ambient temp rose to 9 deg, wind cold ESE 9mph, barometer 1029.1 mb, moon phase waxing gibbous, water temp dropped 8.7, DO 8.95, PH 7.66

1st Dave Pearson 54lb 10oz peg 34 

2nd Rob Emery 53lb 10oz peg 12

3rd Graham Skirrey 42lb 5oz peg 23


Sunday 4th May 2014 open Lookout

Conditions- overnight rain again, then mostly cloudy, ambient temp 14 deg, wind WSW7 mph,  barometer 1019.3 mb, moon phase waxing crescent, water temp 9.1 deg, DO 8.3, PH7.60, MV-43

1st  Dave Pearson 70lb 8oz peg 1

2nd jon doe  48lb 14oz peg 29

3rd Paul Jackson 46lb 9oz peg 15

4th Graham Skirrey 42lb 10oz peg 16aa

5th Derek Fox 37lb 8oz peg 23

6th Chris Gowling 37lb 3oz peg 24

Monday 5th May 2014 Bowes Solver only open

Conditions:- partly cloudy, ambient temp 14 deg, wind S 6mph, barometer 1011.2 mb, moon phase waxing crescent, water temp 10.1mb, ph 7.89, DO 9.2, mv 58

1st Chris Gowling 51lb 10oz peg 4

2nd Chris Pine 46lb 3oz peg 34

3rd  Dave Pearson 36lb 6oz peg 1

4th Graham Skirrey 35lb 4oz peg 26

5th Barry Evans 29lb 3oz peg 24

6th Alex Burton 24lb 12oz peg 18 


Ann Adlington
Ann & Arthur Adlington Ltd
Tele/Fax 0191 4100449
Mobile 07867 557974