ANOTHER first and new festival at White Acres; Tuesday 5th April saw the start of the 3 day Coors Lager Veterans Festival, open to those 55 and over. 27 competitors aged between 55 and 71 took to the banks of Jennys and Trelawney to fish for the White Acres Veterans title.
Coors Lager generously donated £1000 and topped up with entry money means that we will be paying overall top five in cash and prizes to 15th place with the lucky winner taking away £400 cash, with Sheffield Angler Ray Williams (pictured below right receiving his trophy from the sponsors) taking the top prize plus plenty of lager!




1st        RAYMOND WILLIAMS     26 POINTS       94lb 1oz

2nd        ANDY PARTRIDGE            25 POINTS     122lb 14oz

3rd        MAURICE ADDISON         23 POINTS      174lb 1oz

4th        ROBERT HAIGH                  22 POINTS      103lb 7oz

5TH       MALCOLM PROCTOR      21 POINTS     109lb 9oz

6TH       BOB STEVENS                     21 POINTS       81lb 4oz

7TH       ROY BOOTH                        20 POINTS     126lb 15oz

8TH       ROBIN FLOWERS               20 POINTS       58lb 10oz

9TH       JOHN COOK                         19 POINTS     106lb 10oz

10TH     CHAS WARD                       19 POINTS       93lb 16oz

11TH     MICHAEL GIBBS                 19 POINTS       73lb 5oz

12TH     MICHAEL HUTT                 18 POINTS       82lb 4oz

13TH     ROBIN WALLIS                   16 POINTS       56lb 5oz

14TH     JOHN PRICE                          14 POINTS       48lb 6oz                              

15TH     BRIAN ASTLEY                   14 POINTS       44lb 2oz

16TH     NEIL HALL                            13 POINTS       45lb 9oz