On the trout front Packington Somers has produced a fine 14lb 2oz rainbow to Lapworth angler Mark Quinney, who was fishing Cocks Close.

The venue has been in decent winter form over the last week with 90 anglers catching 225 fish, including another nice rainbow of 8lb 4oz to Chris White.
The Great Pool has been in excellent form recently with lots of fish showing in the shallower water to the left of the boat jetty. 
Alan Beckett and Jean Ashton of Wythall shared a boat on Great Pool and caught 14 fish between them using white Minkies on an intermediate line.
The best areas on Cocks Close Day Ticket water have been the road bank and high bank using intermediate lines.  Cats Whiskers, black Tadpole, Minkies, Appetizer, white Fritz are all catching a few fish.