The Environment Agency has teamed up with the 118 118 directory enquiry service to warn callers when flood warnings have been issued.
The directory enquiry service will automatically provide the Floodline number via text message to callers on days when flood warnings have been issued. In addition to the requested phone number, callers will receive the message “Be prepared for flooding – call Floodline 0845881188”
This new service is another way of getting the Floodline number to the public across England and Wales at the most relevant times. When there is a flood, people need access to information and advice quickly and easily.
The Environment Agency’s Thames Region Strategy Manager Clive Coley said: “Living in the floodplain is never without risk, but the Environment Agency takes its duty to raise awareness across England and Wales seriously. This trial is yet another way we can reach people who may be at risk.
“The floods we saw last summer, and the threat of flooding this week, shows how important it is for people who live in the floodplain to be aware of the risk and be prepared. This is where Floodline can help with advice,  information and an early warning system.”
This new approach for promoting the Floodline number is being trialled across England and Wales over the next three months.
In the Thames region (which covers London and the Thames Valley) the message will be sent to all callers in London to raise awareness of Floodline as an emergency number. It is not only useful to have during a flood incident, but also before, as a useful source of  advice and information on how best to manage the risk and keep homes and people safe.
William Ostrom, Communications Director at 118 118, said, “We’re delighted to be able to support the work of the Environment Agency. Because 118 118 is Britain’s most called number, it means we can reach millions of mobile callers with a free text message for the Environment Agency. We hope it helps promote public awareness of the Floodline 0845881188 number.”
Calling Floodline will enable you to find out if you live in an area that could flood. You can then register for Floodline Warnings Direct, our free 24 hour service where we contact you as soon as we know a flood is on its way. You can choose to get your flood warnings sent to you by phone, text, e-mail, fax or pager. You can also get practical advice on what to do before, during and after flooding.

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