Tree early fish, the best start in years!

Hot on the heels of Christchurch Angling Club’s Salmon Open Day on the world renowned Somerley Estate Fishery, enthused salmon rods have had the best start to salmon fishing for years. 
Following an earlier fish from the Royalty, Christchurch Angling Club member Colin Morgan took this fresh run 18lb springer (picture) on a cascade tube fly at Ibsley Pool from the club’s Somerley Estate Fishery over the weekend of the 13th/14th of February.
This was quickly followed by Paul Tibbins with a fish of around 20lb on a yellow and black tube fly from the same area.
 The Estate produced the first fish from the Avon last year and has managed the second and third fish this year. 
Christchurch Angling Club’s Head Salmon Coach Kevin Styles believes the fish may well be running fast up the river as happened last year: “With the high water levels we have seen this year, the fish coming through the counter at Knapp Mill seem to make their way up the river in a matter of hours.”
To find out how you can have a go, call the office on 01202 480009, or go to