Movements of fish in and out of two fisheries, in Worcestershire and Oxfordshire, have been restricted following the confirmation of the serious viral fish disease, Koi Herpesvirus Disease.

Defra has issued Designated Area Orders prohibiting the movement of fish to and from:

„X Leigh Sinton Farm Fishery, Leigh Sinton, Lower Interfield, Nr. Malvern, Worcestershire; and
„X Panshill Wood Fishery, Murcott, Kidlington, Oxfordshire.

Samples were taken from the affected fisheries following reported deaths of fish.

KHV Disease affects common carp and carp varieties such as Koi.  It can result in high rates of fish mortalities.

There are no implications for human health. 

It became a legal obligation to notify suspicion of KHV Disease on 6 April 2007.  The measures developed in partnership between government and industry to help combat outbreaks were announced on 21 May. 

Suspicion of the presence of the disease should be immediately reported to: the Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (Cefas) in Weymouth
Tel: 01305-206673/206674