The National Association of Fisheries and Angling Consultatives (NAFAC) has welcomed the setting up of the new Angling Unity website. The new Angling Unity website went live last week and now offers an information resource that will grow as Unity is delivered.

It currently ranks No:1 on a Google search  for ‘angling unity’ and has already, in its first week, seen in excess of 1000 visitors who have viewed the Features & Benefits and Questions & Answers pages.

In the short term it provides an introduction to the task being undertaken and offers some information and answers to anyone who would like to know more.

NAFAC Executive Chairman, Martin Read, in describing the momentum building within NAFAC, the  National Federation of Sea Anglers, the National Federation of Anglers, the Salmon and Trout Association, the Specialist Anglers’ Alliance and the Anglers Conservation Association said, “ It is another small step in progressing what is probably the most important move that angling has taken in many years. I am delighted that all the National angling and fisheries organisations are committed to delivering our members’ aspirations. It is now becoming very apparent in that ordinary anglers want to see the various organisations form a single representative body as soon as possible.”

The Angling Unity website can be accessed at