Penarth angler Bobby Tripp was knocked flat after landing a near Welsh record Dover sole while fishing at Jacksons Point, Barry, can exclusively report.

The 4lb fish came in the early evening three hours before high tide and fell to ragworm, fished on a custom-built Century Tip Tornedo rod, size 4/0 Uptide Z Viking hooks.

The fish is thought to be just 3oz short of the Welsh shore caught record, also caught at Barry by W Creed in September 1991.

“I took it to a nearby angler who had some digital scales and he weighed it for me at exactly 4lb,” said Bobby. “It was only when it was posted by a friend on a forum that I realised it was a Dover sole – and a really big one too.”

Bobby Tripp with his Jackson’s Point Dover sole, thought to be just 3oz off the Welsh shore-caught record.