A NEW Carp Angling Conservation Forum has been formed by the Carp Society to tackle illegal importation and movement of fish into England and Wales.
Those organisations currently participating are The Carp Society, English Carp Heritage Organisation, Specialist Anglers Alliance, Institute of Fisheries Management, British Carp Study Group, Ornamental Aquatic Trade Association, Environment Agency and Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science.
Following their first meeting at Horseshoe Lake a commitment was made to meet the following objectives:
1. Unite in opposition to all illegal imports, illegal movements and illegal stocking of carp and other fish species into England and Wales.
2. Recommend exclusively the stocking of health certified fish under all circumstances.
3. Provide best practice advice to fishery owners and anglers to mitigate the risks associated with introducing fish into new and already populated waters.
4. Encourage the implementation and effective use of existing legislation towards enforcing fish movement and stocking policy to deter mal-practice now and in the future.
5. Promote the adoption of existing codes of conduct through, education, business, professional organisations, angling bodies and the angling public.
6. Share information between the participating organisations and involve like-minded organisations based abroad.
7. Encourage any information concerning illegal imports to be passed to CEFAS (01305 206681) or, in the case of illegal fish movements within England & Wales, the EA Emergency Hotline (0800 80 70 60).