TELEPHONE NUMBER: 01676 522754


Last week 112 rods caught 458 fish for an average of 4.08.
With the weather turning milder it was quite a busy week and most anglers were catching on all pools although the wind on Sunday did slow the fishing down.

The best fish of the week was an 8lb 10oz rainbow caught by Andrew Moulder of Dorridge who was fishing the Hall Pool with a Cats Whisker and it was the best of a seven fish catch.  Michael Hanson of Nuneaton caught one at 8lb 8oz from the Great Pool on a Buzzer.  Ian Nelson of Solihull fished the Park Meadow pool and caught fish of 6lb and 4lb on a green Buzzer.

On Cocks Close, Rod Lacey had eight fish to 5lb on Pheasant Tail Nymphs and   John Ponting visited the fishery twice last week and fished catch and release on Cocks Close, both times catching ten fish using dry patterns and Buzzers.                      
The most successful patterns at the moment are Cats Whiskers, Damsel Nymphs, black or olive Buzzers, Diawl Bachs, Hares Ear and Bloodworms. 

The best areas have been the road bank and old boat jetty corner of Cocks Close, the shallower water to the left of the boat jetty at Great Pool, the far end of Hall Pool and again the shallower water on Park Meadow.  

The fishery opens at 8am and closes at dusk (8pm at the moment). 

Contact the Fishery on 01676 522754, see us on Facebook or check out our website,