(Molands Siblings A and B)
1. Dave Duggan(Dams and Locks) 94-1 Peg 48 MOLANDS
Carp & F1s on bomb & pellet
2. Keith Winn (Packington) 51-1 Peg 21 SIBS A
3. Mick Martin (Attleborough AC) 41-1 Peg 7 SIBS B
4. John Batey (Packington) 37-14 Peg 9 SIBS B

1. John Burchell (packington) 73-7 peg 12 Gearys
Carp on pole and pellets
2. Daniel wooding (SAC) 66-8 Peg 15 Little Gearys 3. Ian Keywood (SAC) 59-8 Peg 19 Gearys
4. Lee Davis (Ridgemere) 51-10 Peg 16 Gearys

1. Derek hartshorn (Packington) 41-6 Peg10 Little gearys
F1S on pole & pellet
2. Nick Parry (Packington) 38-14
3. Ray Durant(Packington) 37 – 0
4. Jim Hinckley (Packington) 33-12

1. Dave Elliott (Packington) 24-8 Peg 19
Skimmers on pole & maggot/worm
2. Jon Newton (Solihull (smithys ) 19-9
3. Ian Crossman (Packington) 19-3
4. Andy Edgeington (elephant and Castle) 17-8


1. Jack Shirley (MAVER) 113-1 Peg 19 Gearys
2.Ben Lockwood (Tackle shack) 112-11
3. Stephen Bellion(MAVER) 73-0
4.Phillip Canning (NUFISH) 60-0

MOLANDS Despite the unseasonably mild weather Molands has been a little frustrating this week. Match weights to just under 100lb and carp to over 20lb have been caught but it has been very patchy. In the matches fishing tight up to the island with water waggler or bomb and pellet and in the later stages coming down the margins or short with maggot and ground bait F1s have been the most successful tactics. The bigger carp are being caught by pleasure anglers coming to boilies fished out to the island or close in down the margins.

GEARYS Gearys has been in decent form for the time of year with the mild conditions to the liking of the carp. Nets to 113lb have been caught with long pole with pellet or corn the top tactics, later in the day corn over micros has been working down the edges as well. Carp anglers have reported fish to 20lb along with lots of high doubles. Fish based boilies have been working best, fished along the gravel bars on the stumps.

LITTLE GEARYS The F1s have been feeding well this week. Pole and pellet has seemed the best tactic this week with maggot short working well later on in the day. There has been some bigger carp caught on the waggler and pellet fished tight to the island with fish up to 17lb landed.

GRATUITIES Carp to double figures and plenty in the 2 – 5lb range have been coming to waggler or bomb with pellet to the island. Nice mixed nets were coming to caster, maggot or soft pellet fished down the middle with quality perch, roach and skimmers coming to this.

WILLOW Like all of the pools Willow fished a lot better this week with nets to around 60lb mainly F1s but a few carp also being caught. Long pole up to the island with pellet or corn, waggler and bomb on the wider pegs and down the margins with corn or 8mm pellet have all worked well.

ANNIVERSARIES In good form with F1s making up the better catches but some decent carp
up to double figures also being caught. Bomb with 6mm pellet or waggler shallow has been working in the open water. The better carp are coming to maggot or pellet fished down the margins. The pegs which are in the main body of the lake have been the best by far this week.

SIBLINGS A Has really picked up this week with fish being caught all around the pool. Pole and pellet or maggot has been the best tactics for nets to 60lb. There has been some bigger carp showing fishing down the middle with maggot fish up to 14lb have been caught

SIBLINGS B Fished a little harder this week with the F1s from 1 – 4lb showing on most pegs with 7 – 11 the best area. Maggot fished short or down the edges has been the top tactic with dobbing bread also working.



FISHERY OPENS AT 7.30am until 5pm.
(£2 extra for 2 rods)

Contact the lodge on 01676 523833 for further details or check out our website on Also see us on Facebook (Packington Fisheries).