The NFA are pleased to announce through partnership with Blythin and Brown Insurance and Sports Cover that we can now offer the most comprehensive and best value insurance policy available for angling clubs.

The NFA has spent a number of months devising the package and has worked with a number of key partners including angling clubs to establish a new insurance policy which truly meets the needs of clubs. 

Club insurance is an essential part of any club infrastructure and all clubs no matter what size must have comprehensive cover in an ever increasing litigious world!

Frank Lythgoe, Secretary of over 7,000 members Warrington Angling Association commented,

“The new NFA insurance in association with Blythin and Brown is tailor made for angling clubs and is the most comprehensive cover in the market we could find. In other words it could be extremely beneficial and not just financially for fellow clubs and associations to consider a quote from Blythin & Brown. Warrington Angling Association saved approximately £700 on our insurance bill for this year by changing and acquired better cover.”

Shaun Miller, Secretary of Radcliffe Angling Society and has been one of the first to benefit from the new insurance deal commenting,

“The NFA introduced us to Blythin and Brown and they have been brilliant in meeting our needs and creating a package which covers everything that Radcliffe Angling Society requires. With our old insurance policy we had huge problems with local authorities as the insurance cover was not sufficient and we were actually only covered for 50% of any claim and would have only been able to make one claim per year!  We also found that the trustees of the club were not covered; our old policy could have ended in disaster.

Now we are with Blythin and Brown we are confident that we are fully covered and the trustees have indemnity from any claim which may occur. We have had a great service from both the NFA and the insurers to make sure that our every need is met. Not only do we have a much more comprehensive policy, but we have got one at half the price, the NFA has saved us well over £500 on our previous cover!”

Paul Evans from Blythin & Brown comments, “I congratulate the NFA on achieving this fantastic deal for it’s Members. The NFA has achieved these savings by using the bulk buying power it possesses through the Governing Body status of the federation. Through Blythin & Brown, members can obtain instant quotations from our office during normal working hours, but in the near future we will fully automate the process on a new dedicated website.

In the meantime Members are welcome to contact me directly on 01509 230 871 or email Civil Liability Cover can be bound immediately and we will always ensure a comprehensive service that meets all their needs including retrospective cover for clubs moving away from a claims made policy, property insurances or Club Officers’ Indemnity.” 

To follow in the footsteps of Radcliffe and Warrington and save money on your club insurance you will need to be affiliated to the NFA directly. For further details visit the NFA website,  or call us directly on 0115 981 3535.


Blythin & Brown Insurance Brokers Ltd
The NFA in conjunction with Blythin and Brown Insurance Brokers Ltd are pleased to offer a combined liability insurance package exclusively for NFA members.

Key Benefits of the Cover

• Full Civil Liability to the General Public up to £5,000,000 limit of cover.
• Optional Employer’s Liability section up to £10,000,000 limit of cover.
• Libel & Slander arising from club publications up to £250,000 limit of cover.
• Professional Indemnity up to £250,000 limit of cover.
• Covered activities Include ownership of property and fishing grounds, maintenance / repair and manual activities (e.g. grass cutting and making up pegs & fishing platforms) event organisation and sales of fishing products.
• Retrospective Cover for clubs moving from claims Made Policies.
• Member to Member Liability included
• Cover anywhere in the world excluding USA & Canada.
• Fixed Premiums from just 16p per member per year.
• Additional 20% Introductory No Claims Bonus.   

National Federation of Anglers
The sport of angling is recognised by Sport England and the Government as offering key benefits to society through participation in a healthy outdoor activity. As anglers we already know how our sport helps us to unwind from the stresses of everyday life and enjoy the pleasures that our countryside provides.

We also play a key role in the conservation of our rivers and lakes as we are often the first to notice water pollution and fish disease. It is through our efforts that we help to safeguard the environment in which our sport takes place, and protect the very existence of our sport.

Angling caters for every cross-section of the community irrespective of age, gender, race, physical ability, mental ability or social standing. Through our pro-active coaching and development programmes we are helping to educate youngsters about the skills required in everyday life, as well as the current issues that affect our sport and how they can participate and contribute to the development of angling.

By joining the NFA you are supporting our work which promotes and protects your sport. It is only through adopting a collective stance that we can highlight the issues that threaten the development of angling as a modern and vibrant sport.