P R E S S   R E L E A S E


Sometimes someone has a great idea that is so good and so simple you wonder why no one has thought of it before


The Rainbow Fishing System is a new idea that makes plumbing the depth and setting up and organising rigs for Pole Anglers simple.


The Rainbow consists of a depth gauge with a 4-metre tape that is divided into 12 different coloured sections.  Each section has a winder of the same colour.  The Pole Angler attaches The Rainbow Depth Gauge to the end of his/her pole; ships the pole out to the area to be fished and allows the tape to sink to the bottom of the pool or lake.  The colour showing at the water’s surface represents the depth of water at that spot, what could be easier?


Rigs will have been made up on each coloured winder to correspond to the depths on the Rainbow tape.  Having noted the colour on the depth gauge’s tape the Angler chooses a winder of the same colour and uses the rig from that winder to fish at that spot, what could be simpler?


The Rainbow also has a brake to stop the whole 4 metres of tape coming out.  This is essential when plumbing under overhanging branches/trees, or where the depth is known to be no more than a certain depth.


At only £24.95 plus post and packing this is going to be the hot new product of 2005.


To purchase The Rainbow Fishing System or get more detail go to www.therainbow.co.uk


The Rainbow can also be purchased by telephoning 0870 143 22 44


For more information contact:


Emil Dymow               0783 1600732   or       emil@therainbow.co.uk

Tony McDowell           07770 997755   or       tony@therainbow.co.uk