Having recently returned from fishing in the World Nations Championship in Merida, Spain, as part of gold-medal-winning Drennan Team England, Will Raison has pledged his support for the Angling Trust by becoming a life member of the recently-formed governing and representative body for coarse, game and sea angling.

Will is a highly popular and successful match angler who has won gold and silver in the World Championships in previous years. He has produced a series of DVDs and is a consultant for tackle giant Daiwa.
The Angling Trust was formed in 2009 following a merger of all the old angling organisations to create a single voice for all angling. The organisation manages many national competitions and the international teams, including Drennan Team England.
Will is a very welcome addition to the individual membership numbers which now stand at 13,500, of which 1,620 have signed up for life membership. He encouraged others to join the new organisation: “I would urge every serious angler to join the Angling Trust for the membership benefits and more importantly to protect the future of our sport. Angling needs a strong and well-funded voice to fight for anglers’ rights, for the protection of our waters and fish, and to ensure that more young people get into angling. The Angling Trust does a huge amount for angling, but with more members it could do even more. Join today!”
Mark Lloyd, Chief Executive of the Angling Trust said: “Will Raison is one of the best anglers on the planet and we’re all delighted and honoured that he has pledged his support to the Trust. It’s great to see such a high profile and successful angler becoming a life member and supporting our work. I hope that many others will follow his example.”