Wednesday 8th November 2006 Angel of the North Catch & Result for week ending 12th November 06


Partly Cloudy, Ambient temperature 11 deg, humidity 82%, Wind W 12mph,  Barometer 1012.9mb, moon phase Full, Water temp 9 to 7.4 deg, DO 8.1, PH 7.61 was today open match setting


1st   Steve Kean AON 32lb 8oz peg 38


2nd  Colin Pine AON  11lb 10oz peg 13


3rd  Jimmy Kent    7lb 13oz


Rest did not weigh in


Wind gusting spoiled pole presentation, Steve fished 9mtr left & Right 0.12 silk shot, 18 808 hook, 4x 16 carpa porth float, fed Angel 3mm feed pellets, 4mm expander on hook, when to windy fished bomb over top with maggot on hook.


Saturday 11th November 06 Open Match and 1st mini League Results


Overcast with Intermittent Rain, Wind gusting to W 28 mph, Ambient temperature 8 deg, barometer 1006.1mb, moon phase Waning Gibbous, Water temp 7.4 to 5.3 deg, DO 8.8, PH 7.86,  today’s weather  sorted the men out from the boys in angling.

14 anglers

1st   Ray Laing AON 35lb 05oz peg 3    

2nd   Mark Wilson Shotton Metro Mail 22lb 08oz peg 23  

3rd   Rob Emery Shotton Metro Mail 17lb 12oz peg 5 

4th  Steve Kean AON 16lb 15 oz peg 4   

5th  Eddie Douglas AON 14lb 03oz  peg 1

6th  Dave Hudson AON 13lb 09oz peg 38


Ray fished feeder, block end maggot feeder, 0.14 hook length Silk shot, 16 hook, 5lb main line  maxima, alternated between feeder & half ounce bomb, fished 30 yards between Island , caught 1st put in and continually picked fish off all match, ended up with 25 fish.



This weeks adverse weather together with water temp drop has still seen some excellent fish size and some good numbers of catches.


Anglers who have scaled down end tackle and obtained a  balanced ratio  to suit the varing conditions have caught at a better rate on balanced tackle, best baits Angel 4mm expander pellet,  maggot, caster, worm, sweetcorn, together with tiny quantities of Angel feed pellets.


Bassetts producing Orfe, Ide, Carp, Rudd, Roach and Bream.


Lookout producing Carp, Ide, Rudd, Roach, Bream, Orfe,


Bowes still producing good numbers of Carp which are now shoaling up in deeper water.


All fish switching on and off  for short periods of time.