Martin Salter’s constituency advice surgery was due to be picketed by an Animal Rights Organisation on Saturday 27th September at 12 noon, as part of an anti-game shooting campaign.

Mr Salter is Labour’s spokesperson for shooting and fishing and drew up his Party’s manifesto commitment to support both sports. Unfortunately for them the protestors turned up at the wrong time, over an hour before their published photocall, leaving the local press with no option other than to photograph a ‘welcoming’ poster displayed by Mr Salter, re-stating Labour’s commitment to fishing and shooting.

Mr Salter said : –

‘Every year Animal Aid get their knickers in a twist about the Rural Reception I host at Labour Party Conference for representatives of the sports of fishing and shooting. Every year I explain that these are worthwhile and popular sports enjoyed by nearly 4 million people in Britain which generate millions of pounds for the economy and upon which thousands of jobs depend. Labour has a clear manifesto commitment to support these sports so it really is a little strange for politicians to be criticised for keeping their election promises!’

He added : –

‘There are genuine issues about the use of laying cages in some pheasant shoots and I am working with the responsible governing bodies of shooting to get them outlawed.’