Natural Born Killers Prepared Uniquely processed using the same technology as our fantastic tinned particle range, cooked in the packaging to ensure that none of the natural attractants are lost in the boiling process. Two of the four products in the range contain whole bloodworm mixed in with the seed. Available in Hemp, Hemp & Bloodworm, Parti-Blend and Micro Mixed Particles & Bloodworm
Natural Born Natural Born Killers Boilie Pellet Crumb
Natural Born Killers Liquid Food Attractors 500ml Available in all flavours in the Natural Born Killers range. Natural Born Killers Pocket BoostersThis Range of flavour sprays is ideal for boosting the attraction of maggots, pellets, sweet corn, luncheon meat or boilies. Available in all flavours in the natural born killers range.
Natural Born Killers Attractor Paste 200gFormulated to start working as soon as it enters the water this paste range will aggressively breakdown over a short period of time but continue to emit attractors over a sustained period drawing fish to your hook bait. Available in all flavours in the natural born killers range.
Natural Born Killers Stick Mix 1kgThis mixtures explosive nature makes it a perfectly balanced pva stick or bag mix try some in the margins and watch it work.
Natural born killers Bloodworm Pellets 3kg BucketsResponsible for the capture of Nick Massey’s 83lb world record mirror these pellets have been a huge success each 3kg bucket of pellets contains the equivalent of approx kg of neat bloodworm, we believe these are the finest pellets on the market.
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Active Range Wheatgerm High Attract Hookers
Formulated for all season use as a high attract option these pellet hook baits aggressively leak attraction
Even in cold water temperatures.
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Active Range Tinned Particles 300g
These particles have been designed to fizz slowly emitting powerful natural attractants into your swim producing instant results, the B1 versions contain Jamie’s B1 additive this attractor has been responsible for 100’s of match winning results. Each can comes with a re-sealable clip-on lid.
GTX Pellets. 
Active Range B1 Feed Pellets 1kg
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These low oil feed pellets have been manufactured using Jamie’s B1 additive to compliment the hook pellets. They quickly leak this awesome additive into your swim producing instant and spectacular feeding results.
Active Range GTX Pellets 1kg
These pellets have been designed to slowly breakdown leaking a cloud of oily attractants into your swim, a hybrid type pellet in between a low oil course and a halibut type pellet.
Active Range Wheatgerm Feed Pellets 1kg
These pellets have been formulated for all year round use however as with all our wheatgerm products they move into a league of there own in the colder months easier to digest in low temperatures making them what we believe to be the best all year round pellet on the market.
Active Paste 200g
Designed in conjunction with Jamie Masson this paste has been formulated to start breaking down as soon as it enters the water leaking attractants to draw fish directly to your hook bait.
Active B1 Commercial 1kg
This mix is perfectly formulated for fishing an open ended feeder the active ingredients in the mix produce an explosive breakdown when the feeder hits the lake bed drawing any fish in the area onto the feed.
Active Commercial Green 1kg
Formulated for commercial waters but equally as good for bream and tench fishing this mix can be balled in moulded around a method feeder or fished through an open ended feeder. A great all-round groundbait.
Active Commercial Wheatgerm 1kg
This mix has been formulated as a low food high attraction groundbait although it is suitable for all year round use it is in a league of its own in the colder months when fish cannot digest feed as they would in warmer conditions.
Active B1 Expanders 400g
Designed by Jamie Masson as the perfect food pellet these pellets contain several macrobiotic ingredients that tests have proven to attract fish quicker ideal for the angler who prefers to prepare there own bait.
Active Wheatgerm Expanders 500g
Manufactured for all year round use the active ingredients in these pellets allow high leakage of added attractors making these pellets the finest high attract pellets on the market.
BCUK Frozen Naturals
The quality of our frozen naturals is second to none all quick frozen as soon as they are harvested to ensure that they are as fresh as can be when the customer receives them available in 100g blister packs or 1kg blocks in the following: Bloodworm, Brine Shrimp, Daphnia, and mysis.
Active B1 Liquid Attractant 500ml
This is the secret additive that Jamie Masson uses for all his fishing ideal for flavoring expanders, maggots, pellets, meat or groundbait to give you that edge over others fishing around you.