Women are being encouraged to try out flyfishing at Bewl Water in Kent. Mary Hopper, a member of the England Ladies Fly Fishing Association and an international competitor at the sport, says: “We want to encourage women to carry on the tradition of flyfishing. It’s not about strength like some sports, plus some women prefer not to be taught by their husbands! Beginners’ courses give women the chance to try out a new hobby for themselves, or even to share in their husband’s passion.”

One-day beginner flyfishing courses – for both men and women – are held weekly from April to October and Bewl Water’s resident flyfishing coach Vernon Chapman teaches the basic elements of the sport, including fish behaviour, entomology and ethics, right through to practical casting and an afternoon flyfishing for real. Equipment is provided – all you need to bring are a hat, sunglasses and Wellington boots.

Bewl Water is one of England’s finest and most attractive trout fisheries, with boat fishing on much of Bewl’s 770 acres from the fleet of 54 well-maintained boats and bank fishing accessible on more than half of the lake’s 17-mile shoreline. The beautiful Wealden surroundings and the intricate shape of Bewl Water appeal both to those who like the intimacy of secluded and sheltered bays and to those who appreciate the huge expanses and panoramic views only experienced on the larger stillwater fisheries. The Fishing Lodge offers friendly information and advice and newcomers can receive all the assistance they need.

Flyfishing is a peaceful sport, away from the hustle and bustle of modern life – and you keep your catch at Bewl so, with luck, you may take supper home. The lake is stocked with superb quality home-reared trout which, when caught, often weigh over 2lbs and sometimes much heavier. The fishery record for Rainbow Trout is 18lbs 10ozs and for Brown Trout is 14lbs 10ozs.

Visit www.bewl.co.uk to find out more about fishing at Bewl Water and the flyfishing courses. For more press information including high res images, please call Caroline Edmunds of Pennington PR on 01892 616647 or email her at: caroline@penningtonpr.com.