Anglers will be aware that from the beginning of the season to the 31st May 2008 all salmon and Sea Trout (over 40cm) that are retained must, by regulation, have a blue tag affixed. The daily bag limit for the killing and retention of such fish is 1 fish and the bag limit for the period ending 31st May 2008 is 5 fish.
From the 1st June all Salmon and Sea Trout (over 40cms) that are retained must, by regulation, have a black tag affixed. The daily bag limit for the killing and retention of such fish is 2 fish and the total bag limit for the period from the 1st June 2008 to the end of the season is 20.
Anglers should note that Salmon and Sea Trout (over 40cm) that are successfully returned alive do not contribute to daily or seasonal bag limits. The Agency has produced a guide of effective techniques for successful catch and release and this is available on our website at
Anglers in the Foyle and Carlingford areas must also comply with a daily bag limit of 4 Trout (Brown or Sea Trout under 40cm) which must be in excess of the minimum size 25.4cm (10″).
Black tags will be available for collection from the Loughs Agency or usual licence suppliers from the end of May.
For further information please contact the Loughs Agency on Tel: 02871 (04871 from ROI) 342100.