The AT/CRT Boddington Classic is back for 2019 and even better than before! After the sell-out success of last year, the Angling Trust has worked closely with the CRT to put an additional qualifier on the bagging mecca, where weights exceeded 300lbs in last year’s final!

In addition to this the competition has also slightly tweaked its format with sections dropping to five anglers and one angler from each five to qualify, making up a 40-angler final.

The qualifiers for 2019:

• Saturday 4th May 2019 – 50 pegs
• Saturday 19th May 2019 – 50 pegs
• Sunday 2nd June 2019 – 50 pegs
• Saturday 22nd June 2019 – 50 pegs

With the Grand Final on Sunday 28thJuly 2019 – 40 pegs

John Ellis Manager at CRT commented: ‘We we’re delighted with the success of the contest last year and wanted to make sure we had enough tickets to fill demand for our anglers. This event has become a real fixture in the calendar and produces final weights which are unrivalled across the whole country!’

Daniel Coss last year’s runner up added: ‘I was delighted yet gutted to miss out the final last year by such a small margin. I regularly run matches on Boddington and have to say the changes really suit the style of angling, and the venue.’

Tickets for the final will go on sale on Monday 3rd December at 10:30, on the Online Booking System. We anticipate a fair demand as we sold out within a few days last year, so have your login details updated and ready to go!