Vic Bush, pictured above, likes to target the venue’s bream with pellets.

Contact: Call Brian Lloyd on 0117 9676030 or Jeff Parker on 0117 9672977

Tickets: Day tickets are not available for this stretch but the fishing is open to affiliated member clubs of the Bristol, Bath and Wiltshire Amalgamation of Anglers. There are several member clubs with varying annual fees, but an Amalgamation membership costs £35 for a full year (2005).

Restrictions: No metal cans or glass bottles. A maximum of two rods per angler. A full copy of the rules is available on application

How to get there: From Keynsham take the A4175 Willsbridge road and turn right just after you go over the river bridge. There is a small car park and some onstreet parking available here. Just past the car park is a footpath that takes you under the road bridge and alongside the river until you come to the Block House. This is the top end of the fishery. The swim Vic fished is about 200 yards downstream of the Block House