Bury Hill Fisheries Westcott, Surrey | ||||||
Easy road, rail and bus access plus plenty of parking and disabled friendly spacious wooden Fishing at Bury Hill is a combination of ‘stunning location’ and ‘superb fishing’. The Old Lake at around 12 acres in size is a mature tree lined estate lake with magnificent views, flanked by dense beds of flag irises, reeds and lilies through the warmer months. A haven for wildlife, deer, badgers and rare birdlife add to the unique atmosphere of the fishery. The Old Lake is run as a mixed fishery but holds a fantastic head of specimen fish. Bream and tench run big, with any number of 5-8 lb fish making big weights through the spring, summer and autumn months. Bream feature particularly from the middle pegs on the front bank with waggler, long pole and groundbait feeder tactics coupled with worm, corn, soft pellet or mini-boilies all capable of catching huge bags.
Carp fall either to stalking tactics up amongst the lilies or baits fished in the Jungle and around the island with its large overhanging canopies. Even when virtually frozen solid the Old Lake can produce big carp in numbers making it a popular venue for magazine features. Despite the huge stocking that the Old Lake boasts, two massive corkscrew pumps circulate re-oxygenated water around the lake ensuring fit, healthy and hard fighting fish meaning that sport is always on the cards even in heat wave conditions. A unique feature of fishing on the Old Lake at Bury Hill is its fleet of flat-bottomed punts that When October 1st arrives, it’s the predator fishing that kicks in and every year Bury Hill produces more double-figure zander than any other commercial fishery with fish running to a staggering 16 lb with 10-12 lb fish taken routinely. Pike also run big, to 30 lb and bigger. With live and dead baits are available on site, there is no better way than to start a days predator fishing than with a hearty breakfast in the boathouse before paddling out into the frosty morning mist! Further down the valley lie Milton and Bonds Lakes. Milton at 3 acres is a more traditional fishery where basic float tactics will allow you to target the big head of golden crucians, tench, golden rudd, roach, perch and small carp. Whether you choose to fish a small float to the margins or the open water pole line, pleasure catches can be to 200 lb made up of tench to 6lb and crucian to 3lb, and three figure nets in matches. However, the best of the roach and perch fishing will not be found until the first frost arrives when even on the bleakest winters day, a good net of red fins and stripers can be caught using pole and maggot.
The most recent addition to the Bury Hill portfolio is Temple Lake, an out and out specimen venue packed full of huge English carp. Purpose dug and stocked with carefully sourced English pedigree fish, the average weight is a staggering 27 lb with a dozen or more different 30-pounders including ghosts, commons and linea’s. Growth rates are phenomenal, and each carp is carefully monitored through electronic tagging chips to ensure effective fishery management. Available strictly on a membership scheme which also permits members to night fish the Old Lake, Temple is set to produce several 40-pounders in the very near future. Top Tip Many big carp have been caught on both the Old Lake and Temple within a foot or two of the front of a swim platform. Watch for match and pleasure anglers throwing leftover bait off a platform and fish it a few hours later! Bury Hill Fisheries, The Boathouse, Westcott, Nr Dorking, Surrey RH4 3JU Contact: Tel: 01306 877540 Day tickets (2006): Adult £11, Concessionary £8, 2nd and 3rd rods £5.50 each, Evening tickets £5.50 per rod. Membership: A limited number of Season Tickets are Specimen Carp Memberships are also available. Directions: The fishery is just off the A25 Dorking to Guildford road less than 1 mile from Dorking, signed with a brown tourist sign on the right as you leave Dorking. Website: www.buryhillfisheries.com Tackle shop: On site at the Boathouse Old Lake (75 pegs), Milton Lake (30 pegs), Bonds Lake (20 pegs). Matches: Club bookings are available, but must be for a minimum of 10 anglers. Restrictions: No access to the fishery before the arrival of the bailiff. Barbless hooks only. All nets must be dipped before fishing. No keepnets except for organised matches. No particle baits except hemp, sweet corn and carp pellet. A standard size unhooking mat is compulsory for all forms of fishing. Anyone fishing for specimen carp or predators must have a large unhooking mat and large landing net. Method feeders and fixed leads are banned. Predator fishing is only permitted between October 1st and March 31st. Under 16s must have attended a Predator Clinic course before fishing for predators without an adult. |