Legacy Angling is bidding to purchase the whole of the Cemex waters which have been put up for sale.
The heritage, legacy and importance of the Cemex properties to the angling world is of the utmost importance.
The passion, devotion and love (let alone blood sweat and tears) that has been poured into all of the lakes by their members and especially their bailiffs over countless years is heritage which cannot be lost.
The whole ethos around the family of bailiffs, anglers, users and their families is unique to this set of waters and Legacy Angling feel this should be preserved.
Legacy Angling are just an ordinary couple; Graham is a bailiff on one of the waters with a passion for ‘his lake’. He has fished the same lake for over 20 years; when he says home he means the lake and not his house! Georgina simply loves the countryside and appreciates what a wonderful sport angling is. The habitat around the lakes has been kept so well by the bailiffs and anglers and this should be encouraged and improved on.
When they heard about the sale the thought that some faceless corporation would come in and buy it, make a ‘quick buck’ and sell it on for a profit after a couple of years without any particular interest in the lakes or the current members was abhorrent. Or worse, for the lakes to be lost to angling altogether!
On taking professional advice the likelihood of raising the capital to purchase the whole portfolio was realised. With this the future of the lakes can be ensured and keep the same people, the same rules and actually put the profits back into the lakes to improve them.
Legacy Angling wants to work with the local members and bailiffs to find out what they actually want from their lake and work towards giving them this. Where everyone is happy with current arrangements (such as sailing etc.) then these contracts will be renewed to continue this usage of the waters. ‘We are not promising the world, but sensible, achievable goals and friendly sympathetic management on the ground.’
‘We understand that there is a lot of interest in these properties and know our chance of buying the whole portfolio is as good as anyone else’s; but we have to try. We would forever regret knowing this dream was possible and not attempting it.’
Legacy Angling has already found much support from the bailiffs and anglers at many of the lakes; they agree that this is the management they want for their futures. This is one of the reasons the website was created (www.legacy-angling.co.uk) and various links from there for people to join up in support.
It is hoped that this expression of support will be great enough to tip the balance in their favour when it comes to bidding when the actual sale goes ahead.
Some of the local bailiffs and members have been trying to raise funds to purchase their local lakes; many of these have decided to join together with Legacy Angling both with their vocal support and their funds. The larger the backing on the ground then the more strength to achieve the winning bid.
‘We really don’t know who else is interested in buying these waters and what aims they hope to achieve and this concerns us and the current bailiffs and members very much. But if there is anyone else out there who feels the same way we do and would like to ‘join forces’ rather than bid against each other for no reason then please get in contact with us. We would love to work together on this.
We are open to all possibilities and suggestions at this stage and are very willing to accept help from any quarter, not just support and financial investment but business skills, communications, PR etc.‘
If anyone would like to know more or help out in any way then please contact:
Georgina Bradley or Graham MustoeLegacy AnglingThe Future is Bright, the Future is Legacy Angling
Website – www.legacy-angling.co.uk
FaceBook – www.facebook.com/legacyangling
Twitter – @Legacy Angling Petition – www.petition.co.uk/heritage-angling/