Graham, who runs the on-site tackle shop (tel: 01926 842188) along with match ace Pete Rice, has all the info anglers need and the deadly duo will take your open match bookings on that number and supply top quality bait. The Bottom Pool (29 pegs) is very well protected from the elements and skimmers, bream to four and 5lb, roach, the odd chub go for maggot and pinkie fished over a little GB. Fish up to the island at 10 to 12 metres, although some pegs can require 16 metres of carbon to get across, and be prepared for some ‘nasty lumps’ in the form of carp that trash rigs, as they could be 12lb to 14lb! House 1 (34) is also protected and the pegs over the bridge (29 to 34) or pegs 12 to 18 usually mean that any wind is off your back and not in your face. Maggot and corn ‘sarnies’ or individual ‘fillings’ are the baits to use, either on the pole or in conjunction with a small open-end feeder chucked to one of the islands, and most pegs have a piece of island to cast to. Carp to 6/7lb, bream and orfe are the likely candidates to pick up your bait. Graham tells me that all pools hold some very big perch, some over 3lb, so take some worms and casters with you if a stripey takes your fancy. Day tickets are £6 with concessions at £4 during the week and breakfast is served at weekends, although if you ring up in advance, a breakie will be waiting for you on arrival, and a hot cuppa is on the go at all times. Don’t forget to have your card stamped as after every five trips to Trabucco Tunnel Barn Farm the next visit is free of charge … can’t be bad!