Steve Hemingray, a heating fitter from Leicester used all his experience of heating to claim victory amongst some hot and sunny conditions at Tunnel Barn Farm last weekend.

With tough conditions due to the weather including a strong easterly wind, weights were kept lower than expected overall on the day. The winner however was able to get a great catch of 119lbs 1oz on the much fancied Bottom Pool. Fishing from peg 21, Steve fished pellet and corn to land 15 carp with weights up to 8lbs with additional F1’s to give him his final weigh in.

When asked about his victory Steve (pictured) stated,

“I have been trying to get into the Fish ‘O’ Mania final for many years now and was really happy when I managed to get a ticket for Tunnel Barn. I have fished there a lot over the years and had my tactics all planned out depending on which lake I drew. Most of my fish were 4 or 5lbs carp and I was really relieved to win in the end as it was a close run thing with second place only being a fish behind. I have never fished in the final before but am really looking forward to it as its one of the biggest matches in the sport.”

It was a close run contest though with second placed Lee Barrett from Wakefield pushing Steve all the way with a final weight of 114lbs 16ozs. Lee, a builder by trade who fishes for Spring Valley Waters constructed his lead, fishing pellet and maggots in the margins to bring in his tally of carp.

With Lee’s final weight he was able to finish ahead of team mate and the owner of Spring Lakes, Marc Jones who finished third. Marc, a past winner of Fish ‘O’ Mania back in 2005 was fishing on peg 32 on Top Pool using pellet and caster to produce a final weight of 98lbs 11ozs.

In fourth place was Mosella Garbolino match angler Paul Sheehan from Stockport fishing peg 17 on New Pool to produce a final weight of 98lbs 9ozs, just 2ozs behind third place Marc Jones. In fifth place was Andy Moore with 95lbs 14ozs from Top Pool and in sixth place was Stuart Ballard with 94lbs 13ozs fishing on New Pool.