THE Federation of Irish Salmon and Seatrout Anglers fear that the salmon and sea trout population running in Irish rivers and bays have been put in jeopardy if not wiped out by the sealice and escapes from fish farm cages that produce farmed salmon.

Many fish kills on fish farms also contribute to this decimation and conflicting reasons for each kill has been reported from both the Department of the Marine and the fish farm companies.

“The Marine Institute report is to be welcomed, but no action will be taken unless the public speak out. It is vital that the whole development policy to grant aid production of fish farms are put on hold until scientists recommend remedial action to be taken to save our already very scarce wild salmonid stock,” said the FISSTA spokesperson.
The Federation renewed their call, for an independent Dail inquiry to review the damaging policy which seems to have no consideration for the wild species already in the marine environment.

This is where the remedial action is needed now, but instead, the Government continues to plough ahead with blinkers to the detriment of our environment.

The findings of this report is a major disaster, but one which was entirely predictable. Sea farming of salmon and rainbow trout, as currently practised, is unsustainable.

The close confinement of hundreds of thousands of farmed fish in a small area is a recipe for infection by disease and parasites, not to mention the threat that escapement poses.
MR. Noel Carr. Chairman, Teelin Rd, Carrick, Co Donegal 074 9730300 phone & fax 0872352001 mobile or
MR. JEROME DOWLING, PRO & Vice Chairman, Stradbally, Castlegregory, Co. Kerry Tel.066 7139387 email:

FISSTA is an all Ireland angling body representing over 19,000 members in 91 salmon and sea trout (salmonid) clubs. As an umbrella body for anglers it is a strong voice for the conservation of salmon both nationally and internationally. Our motto is “Committed to Conservation” and continue to work to achieve the abundant return of the wild Atlantic salmon to our waters.