The Angling Trust and Canal & River Trust Angling Junior Canal Champs is back for 2020 and is expected to be ‘THE’ biggest celebration of junior angling in the country!

The date for the diary is Saturday 19th September and the event will take place on the ever consistent Shropshire Union Canal at Church Eaton.
Tickets for the event will be available on Monday 9th March at 10.30am on the Angling Trust Booking Site.

The competition for 2020 is once more sponsored by Angling Direct who will both provide goody bags on the day and a £5 voucher to offset the entry fee to the contest.

The Junior Championship will once more be split into three age groups:
• Cadets 7-10yrs of age
• Juniors 11-15yrs of age
• Youth 16-20yrs of age

An additional, optional, team of four entry is also available for 2020, which can be signed up for by sending an email to with the following information:
• The four (4) anglers’ names
• The anglers Date of Birth
• Team name

Speaking about the event John Ellis, national fisheries & angling manager for the Canal & River Trust, said: “The Junior Championships has proved incredibly popular in recent years, bringing some of the country’s top talent to canals from across the United Kingdom “Canals offer fantastic angling and we’re anticipating lots of interest for this year’s events, so people should book their places quickly to avoid disappointment. “With support from our partners at the Angling Trust as well as sponsor Angling Direct, we hope that this year’s Championships will be a real celebration of all that’s great about canal angling.”