Under 18’s and under 23’s FIPSed World Angling Championships Slovenia 28th/29th July 2012 

England’s young lions had mixed fortunes in the FIPSed World Youth Angling Championships from 28th/29th July 2012, Riva Sava, Slovenia.

The river Sava produced some excellent catches of bleak, bream and nase a fish that is not found in England, and during the weeks practice some members of the team had weights of up to 20lb. Unfortunately match day results did not reflect these weights and the wheels came off for the Drennan U23’s England team.

Team Manager Mark Downes stated “ The under 23’s caught exceptionally well during practice and were confident of a good result. The target species was nase a dace like fish that is fairly common in eastern European country’s, but is not found in the UK.

“Unfortunately on match days these fish became very difficult to catch and the Drennan sponsored team crashed to 13th on day one.”“Day two saw a slight improvement as the team finished 6th but overall this was our worst performance for many years.”

The match was dominated by eastern European teams with Hungary winning Gold, silver went to Croatia with outsiders San Marino taking bronze.Despite this result Drennan Team England under 23’s still ranks second in the World after Italy.

Team result U23s1st Hungary 31 points2nd Croatia 46 points3rd San Marino 49 points12th  England 79 points18 teams fishedThe Sensas sponsored under 18’s had a brilliant weekend with the team winning silver and 17 year old Luke Wroziek from Wakefield, West Yorkshire taking the individual bronze.Sensas U18’s England Team Manager, Steve Sanders and his assistant Joe Roberts masterminded a plan that almost produced a gold medal for the team.
By balling in chopped worm and caster in a mix of Sensas River and Terre de Riviere the team caught several species including nase, bream and the odd carp using worm and caster on the hook.  The first 20 minutes were spent catching bleak before switching to long pole at 11.5metresDay one finished with England in pole position on 16 points from Slovakia with 17 points and with Serbia 21 points.The Slovakian team produced an amazing day two performance by amassing only 8 section points to England’s 20 points, and therefore taking the gold medal.

Team result U18s
1st Slovakia 25 points
2nd  Sensas England 36 points
3rd Croatia 38 points

Individual result U18’s
1st Roman Pavelka Jnr  Slovakia 2 points  13.247 kilo
2nd Andrej Rimes, Slovakia 2 points 12.871 kilos
3rd  Luke Wrzoselk  England 2 points 11.469 kilos

Sensas U18’s England Team Manager Steve Sanders said “‘The individual result could not have been closer with three anglers posting a perfect 2 section wins and the result being determined on weight.  Luke was so unlucky to lose out in such a way but the whole week went well for the team and I am very pleased with our overall performance.”

Dick Clegg, OBE International Events Manager stated “ I know the amount of effort that both our team management and squad members put into competing at world level and I am pleased with their performance. If you look at the results you can see how strong the eastern European countries have become, and we need to continue to up our game to stay at the top.”