Ultima have raised the performance bar with mono yet again with the launch of their new flagship product Power Steel. If all early indications are correct this product will take the market by storm over the coming months.

Power Steel is the result of two years careful development work building on the huge success of Power Plus. But now Power Steel takes fishing line performance to level never before seen bringing together the best features of both mono and braid in one product.

Strength and Knot Strength

The primary consideration with any line is its strength. Power Steel is 30% stronger than any other line on the market and added to this is a phenomenal knot strength that is around 90% of its linear strength. It’s that good that Power Steel with a knot in it is still stronger than any other line without a knot. We have tested every other line out there and this is fact.

Andy May was singing Power Steel’s praises after using it to finish second in the recent White Acres Festival.

Total Control

The other key development issue with Power Steel is stretch. Many anglers have used braid for fishing in many situations to improve bite detection because of its low stretch and thin diameter. However braid has many disadvantages, very poor knot strength and even worse abrasion resistance, it is highly visible and the low stretch is very unforgiving resulting in a high number of hook pulls.

Completely new polymer technology and the application of a lot of thought in the last couple of years have developed a new design concept for fishing line; ‘Intelligent Stretch’

Normal monos have a stretch factor of 25 – 35%. Braid has a stretch factor usually between 4 – 8%. Research has shown us that around 15 – 18% is probably the ideal balance, but this has not been possible with mono before without seriously effecting knot strength. The new polymers in Power Steel change all that. We have aimed for an average overall stretch factor of 18% but more significantly this new material has a significantly different molecular construction so that there is less stretch at the beginning of the power curve meaning that the bite indication and the hooking capability is very close to that of braid but as stress increases when playing a fish it gives more maintaining control but ensuring that you don’t crack off or pull through eliminating any need for a Shockleader.

We call this ‘Intelligent Stretch’ and it is a completely new concept in fishing line design.

Abrasion Resistance

The abrasion resistance of Power Steel is phenomenal. 60 – 100 times higher than any braid and 6 – 8 times higher than mono, but Power steel is still soft, silky and totally user friendly because of the new type polymer.

‘The greatest line ever…’

Consumer and trade feedback has been unanimously positive since the launch last week and we have found no one who having seen this product and tried it has disagreed that this line is quite awesome. Sure it is strong, stronger than anything else but there is so much more to this line that it will revolutionize the way people look at mono in many situations. As Andy may said: ‘I can’t see the need to use braid ever again and in fact I can’t see the need for any other main line.

Power Steel is available initially in 100m and 300m retailing at £5.95 and £9.95 respectively in nine popular sizes.


Ømm    B/st lbs     B/st kgs
0.12       2.1          1.0
0.15       2.6          1.2
0.17       3.2          1.5
0.19       4.4          2.0
0.21       5.0          2.3
0.23       6.0          2.8
0.26       8.0          3.6
0.29      10.0         4.6
0.31      12.0         5.5