Quest Baits have been around for a couple of years now and have been quietly gathering a significant following, marketing principally through word of mouth and their own Website. But all that’s set to change in 2008 as they embark upon a major brand launch that will see Quest on the shelves of some of the largest tackle shops in the UK backed up by a major advertising campaign.
Quest is headed by well respected, long time carp angler Shaun Harrison. Shaun’s dedicated a large proportion of the last 30 years of his life to the pursuit of carp,so frankly there’s not a lot he doesn’t know about the bait scene. He’s developed a very impressive range of 8 boilies plus all the associated dips, glugs, pop-ups and pellets etc. you’d expect. One bait simply doesn’t cover every eventuality so each bait has been designed for different times of the year and different situations. Reading the specification for each one clearly shows there’s a lot of thought gone into this range.
The Quest packaging is eye catching and angler friendly with 1kg re-sealable bags which stand up unsupported (instead of falling over in a heap), 2kg tubs with a handy carry handle (great for carrying tackle bits even when you’ve used the boilies) plus a 5kg bag for longer sessions. Every bag contains a free sample of a different flavoured hook bait from the range plus a fold-out “Hints & Tips” booklet. In addition, the 2kg tubs include free pop-ups.
The Quest website – – is a real winner, a great source of information about the products, plus loads of hints and tips on how to get the best from them. The star of the show is the Video Vault where you can download literally dozens of short video clips which go much further than just promoting the Quest products. There’s “How To’s” on all manner of topics from using paste through to netting your baits to protect them from the dreaded French Poisson Chat. Whilst on the subject of the much hated Chat, the Quest Pineapple Crush has been specifically designed to deter them… well worth a look if you’re off to France this year.
All in all a very impressive range of products, backed up with the years of experience and integrity Shaun brings to the brand – we’re sure you’ll be seeing much more of Quest.