The spring edition of the FREE NFA newspaper, Anglers’ Lines, is available next week in selected tackle shops for anglers to pick up and find out about the latest developments in angling.

The Anglers’ Lines, is created by the NFA to help inform anglers on the latest news within their sport and also show we are supporting the sport through our coaching, education and club development programmes.

In this edition we provide an update ‘Angling Unity’, discussing the main issues around the hottest topic in angling. We also cover the record breaking Alan Scotthorne receiving his lifetime achievement award from fellow Yorkshire man, and former Minister for Sport, Richard Caborn MP.

Anglers Lines highlights how the NFA is working for angling and working to achieve its goal of helping more people go fishing more often. We detail a number of organisations who have joined the march to increase participation and are giving their support to the NFA.

We also show the latest ways that the NFA has been working all over the country to help introduce more people into the sport through our coaching and education initiatives. Including the superb achievements of angling coach Gary Leigh who recently received a President’s Award for Volunteering from the charity Crime Concern.

The paper also features all the latest news regarding International angling and the new sponsorship deal made by Subfish, a Mansfield Tackle shop for the Ladies England team. We also take a look at our England Carp team who will once again be hoping to travel to South Africa for this year’s World Championships, and will no doubt be looking at bringing home a medal.

To find your local stockist of the Anglers’ Lines please visit the NFA online tackle shop directory at which lists all stores whom have partnered with the NFA to stock copies of the newspaper.

Tom Goldspink, Marketing & Development Officer for the NFA stated, “The Anglers’ Lines continues to grow in popularity with anglers’ enjoying reading about the issues which affect them and their sport. The newspaper really does provide something for everyone, and I would urge all anglers to go down to their local tackle shop and pick up their free copy.”