The Willis Worms Angling Bait Club match (ABC) planned for 2010 will pay out a staggering 50k first prize. The fifty thousand pounds prize money is NOT dependant upon membership numbers and is not dependant upon match angler numbers. If only three members fish, the £50k will go to the winner. One ABC member will be £50k better off in 2010. The prize money is ring-fenced already and will not come from membership money.
The Matches are members only Club matches and should not be confused with any other competition. Qualifiers will be held on a variety of venues including river and canal with a semi-final and then a final. We will try to accommodate every member that wants to fish, however if we are inundated with match entries we would naturally have to enter a draw scenario. As already stated this will not resemble any other big prize competition. Think normal club match but with a bigger payout! Our aim is to create a level playing field for the anglers involved with more than one person from each qualifier going into the semi-final. The final in essence will be a “forty peg, knock-up”. Best bib and tucker for the camera’s not required, as there won’t be any. Turn up, fish, weigh in and take home your winnings. Happens every week doesn’t it?
The ABC is a great piece of news for the average angler. It’s a chance to buy decent bait and tackle at sensible prices and for those that like a bit of competition, the chance to win a decent prize from their sport. Exact details will be made available in the near future. Hope this sets the records straight.