With weather temperatures fluctuating during the week all baits have been working well, in particular, chopped worm and caster and caster over hemp close in have been producing good bags of f1’s, carp and roach.

Top Pool
Pellet to the islands at 6m for f1’s, ide, roach & skimmers.
4mm cubes of meat down the inner margins over hemp at 3m is now starting to produce the better stamp of f1’s.
Maggot shallow and on the deck has been producing large bags of silvers.

Bottom Pool
Pellet at 6m to 8m has been producing f1’s and silverfish.
Pleasure anglers have reported large bags of perch up to 3lb being caught on chopped worm and caster.
Anglers now trying paste down the inner margins have reported catches of mirrors and commons up to 18lb.
Corn and meat over micro pellet down the edges has started to produce mirrors, commons and large f1’s.

House Pool
Method feeder to the island using dead bronze maggot in a blood worm groundbait has been tempting large mirrors and commons.
Pellet at 6m or 8m down on the deck for mixed bags of f1’s, bream, roach and carp.
Meat down the edges over micro pellet is now producing a larger stamp of f1 carp.
Paste and corn over hemp down the edges, is now starting to produce good bags of fish.

Extension pool
Chopped worm and caster at 14m was the winning combination used by Stu Palser on Sunday’s open with the winning match weight 91 – 4.
Pellet at 6 and 8m down the track producing good bags of f1’s, roach and perch.
Match anglers are now starting to use paste down the edges and bigger f1’s are being caught.

New Pool
Pellet and maggot have been the best baits on this lake long to the island or @ 6m and down the edges. F1’s and plenty of skimmers and roach are being caught.
Caster now starting to show at 3m and down the edges.
Pleasure anglers have reported mixed bags f1’s and stockies to 70lb on 4mm pellet over micro pellet on the deck.

Congratulations to Jamie Meakin who won Saturday’s open off peg 39 with a winning match weight of 89 – 6. Jamie fished 7m to the island and 11m down the left hand edge for f1’s up to 3lb. He fished pellet over micro pellet and corn down the left hand edge.

Canal Pool
Congratulations go to Pete Rice, who drew the notorious peg 24 and plundered it respectively and won the Friday Flyer. Pete used caster at 4m and corn over caster at 2m down the edges. Pete’s catch were f1’s, mirrors and commons 93 – 11.

In general pellet and maggot are the best baits at 6-8m and across to the island.
Mirrors and Commons are feeding and pleasure anglers are reporting f1’s up to 2lb
Good bags of silvers are being caught.
Anglers are reporting large bags of mirrors and f1’s being caught using paste, meat and corn down the edges.

Club Pool
Pellet to the island over micro pellet for f1’s, mirrors, roach & bream.
Stockies and f1’s at 4-10m down the track on pellet.
Pellet or maggot at 6-8m has been working well.
Pleasure anglers have reported that corn or meat down the edges has produced good bags of f1’s stockies & mirrors.

Jenny’s Pool
Pellet or maggot to the island or at 6-8m down the track has been producing good bags of f1’s, silvers and mirrors.
The fish have moved into the inner margins where caster has been working well with good bags of f1’s & stockies being caught.
Corn over micro pellet has been producing large f1’s.
Paste at 4m and down the edges is now starting to produce good bags of fish.

Chopped worm and caster can be purchased from the tackle shop. These baits need to be pre-ordered in the shop by Monday Morning as our deliveries come in on a Thursday.


Date: Monday 16th April 2012
Pools: Canal Pool
No F/man: 18

1st: Pellet to the island and 9m down the left hand edge for f1’s and stockies.
2nd: Paste down the right and left hand edges for f1’s skimmers and stockies.
3rd: Maggot shallow at 6m, f1’s, skimmers and roach.

1st Kurtis Tranter Grant Albert Angling Supplys 123 – 14 18
2nd Peter Hancox Birmingham 96 – 2 13
3rd Robert Swain White Hart, Birmingham 93 – 15 4
4th David Chapman White Hart, Coventry 93 – 14 5
5th Tom Neal Rutlanders 80 – 10 7
6th Chris Constable TBF Vets 77 – 10 2
7th Graham Young Youngs MG 69 – 5 24
8th Malcolm Jones Banbury Guns 59 – 7 21

Date: Tuesday 17th April 2012 TBF over 50’s Club
Pools: Extension Pool
No F/Man: 24

Match Report:
1st: Method feeder to the barrel. Bread flake for f1’s, commons and mirrors.
2nd: Pellet at 6m, f1’s, roach and skimmers.
3rd: Pellet and corn down the right hand edge, f1’s, roach and skimmers.

1st George Harrison Starlet Vets 37 – 0 19
2nd David Chapman White Hart, Coventry 31 – 1 21
3rd Mike Pelfry Blythe Waters 27 – 5 7
4th John Lavender Me and Me 27 – 3 38
5th Peter Hancox Birmingham 24 – 12 13
6th John Harris TBF Vets 23 – 9 5
7th John Merchant Quality Baits 22 – 10 33
8th Dave Kingerlee TBF Vets 21 – 0 9

Date: Wednesday 18th April 2012
Pools: New Pool
No F/Man: 19

Match Report:
1st: 6m and 3m down the right hand edge, cheese over hemp, f1’s, roach and skimmers.
2nd: Pellet at 6m and down the edges, f1’s, roach and skimmers.
3rd: Chopped worm and caster, 14m and down the edges, f1’s, roach and skimmers.

1st Ron Biggs OHMS 46 – 3 29
2nd Peter Hancox Birmingham 43 – 14 4
3rd Chris Horsley TBF Vets 29 – 9 13
4th Colin Crowe Hemsworth Barsley 25 – 3 33
5th Steven Crowe Milton Keynes 24 – 1 9
6th Peter Rice Bagem Baits 22 – 8 16
7th Andy Walker Hampstead 21 – 6 31
8th Barry Witeridge Calvert 20- 8 6

Date: Thursday 19th April 2012
Pools: Club, Jennys & House Pools
No F/Man: 45

Match Report:
1st: Fished pellet 4m and down the edges for mirrors, f1’s and stockies.
2nd: Fished pellet at 4-6m for f1’s, roach and stockies.
3rd: Fished 6, 8 and 10m on the pellet for f1’s, roach and skimmers.

1st Chris Constable TBF Vets 72 – 1 CL23
2nd Paul Lewis TBF Vets 62 – 1 H16
3rd T McGuire TBF Vets 57 – 12 H29
4th J Eales TBF Vets 54 – 1 CL17
5th B Weale TBF Vets 48 – 11 J8
6th D Rowberry TBF Vets 46 – 5 CL21

Date: Friday 20th April 2012
Pools: Canal Pool
No F/Man: 16

1st: Fished casters at 4m and corn over caster down the edges for mirrors, f1’s and
2nd: Fished pellet 4m and down the edges for mirrors, f1’s and stockies.
3rd: Caster at 4m and paste over hemp down the left and right hand margins for mirrors,
f1’s and commons.

1st Peter Rice Bagem Baits 93 – 11 24
2nd Chris Constable TBF Vets 89 – 9 19
3rd Les Wetton Tunnel Barn Farm 81 – 13 7
4th David James Mosella 71 – 3 4
5th Ian Perry Tunnel Barn Farm 71 – 3 13
6th Chris Chamberlain TBF Vets 71 – 0 11
7th Peter Hancox Birmingham 58 – 8 2
8th John Stratford Youngs TBF 57 – 7 14

Date: Saturday 21st April 2012
Pools: New Pool
No F/Man: 27

1st: 7m to the island and 11m down the left hand edge for f1’s up to 3lb. He fished pellet
over micro pellet and corn down the left hand edge.
2nd: Chopped worm and caster at 14m for f1’s, roach and skimmers.
3rd: Pellet at 11m and 14m down the left hand edge for f1’s, roach and skimmers.

1st J Meakin Tunnel Barn Farm 89 – 6 39
2nd S Palsar Banbury Gunsmiths / Middy 87 – 14 17
3rd D Flatman Tunnel Barn Farm 84 – 8 10
4th R Biggs OHMS 72 – 10 35
5th P Bick Shakespeare 67 – 8 29
6th T Mustilone Alvechurch 67 – 6 44
7th L Marlon Corby Hotrods 67 – 1 3
8th D James Mosella 66 – 15 42

Date: Sunday 22nd April 2012
Pools: Extension Pool
No F/Man: 25

1st: Chopped worm and caster at 14m for f1’s, roach and skimmers.
2nd: Fished pellet to the barrels for f1’s, mirrors and commons.
3rd: Pellet 8m to the island and down the track for f1’s, roach and commons.

1st S Palsar Middy 91 – 4 39
2nd W Price Baileys 76 – 6 9
3rd A Sutton Tunnel Barn Farm 73 – 10 10
4th P Caton Banbury Gunsmiths 72 – 10 36
5th D James Mosella 68 – 14 21
6th L Wetton Tunnel Barn Farm 67 – 11 13
7th A Jackson Mosella 53 – 10 24
8th R Biggs OHMS 52 – 5 3