THIRTY thousand trout are to be taken on a wild white water raft ride to a new home in the
In a unique scheme, the 23cm trout are being trucked from a hatchery in
The innovative approach to fish stocking has made possible through the efforts of Alberta RiverWatch, which donated the use of the whitewater rafts, and BP Canada Energy Company.
In addition to the stocking at
Each year the schemes backer, Alberta Sustainable Resource Development, raises between 2.5 and 3.5 million trout for release into publicly accessible waters throughout
The provincial stocking program boosts the angling in the region and reduces the angling pressure on native fish populations.
Rainbow, brown, cutthroat, bull and eastern brook trout are raised at two hatcheries – the Sam Livingston Fish Hatchery and the Cold Lake Fish Hatchery – and are released into more than 150 lakes, reservoirs and streams around the province.