The Ladies National Angling Championship took place on Sat 13th June at Baden Hall, Staffordshire. Third time champion, Denise Hudgell, fishing for Reading Angling Team Hydro, drew peg 25 on Old Match Lake and amassed a weight of 33kgs 750gms for a comfortable victory in the match with carp to 5lbs and the odd barbel making up her catch.

Denise fished the method feeder with corn or meat as hook bait to devastating effect, beating her nearest opponent by over 15kgs. This was Denise’s 3rd Ladies Championship win and now sets a record for others to equal or beat.

Deana Wood took second place with a weight of 18kgs 350gms. Deana, fishing for Sonubait Passies, drew peg 24 on Dykes Canal and fished the pole to 14.5 metres with either corn, meat or pellet on the hook and drip feeding pellet on a regular basis.

Third place went to Ann Yates fishing for Doncaster and District Angling Association. Ann drew peg 6 on Doughnut and caught a total weight of 16kgs 350gms.

The top eight Ladies from this year’s event will be invited to fish the Ladies match at the 2010 Fish’O’Mania final.

The Angling Trust would like to extend their thanks to all of the Ladies taking part and their partners for accepting the change to the venue in a very positive manner. The competition was originally scheduled to be fished at Heronbrook Fisheries and was re-arranged because of unforeseen circumstances creating problems at the original venue.

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