ONLINE tackle shop Harrison‘s is now offering free postage on all orders placed by clicking through from the Total-Fishing Shop section.

Typically that will give you a saving of £5 to £10 on your average order.
There are some great offers on the Harrison‘s Shop at present.
Carp anglers may be interested in the Tracker Armadillo one man bivvy, which is down from £299.99 to £254.99.


 Armadillo One Man Bivvy: £254.99

Pleasure anglers might want to look at some of the new poles from Leeda for 2004.
The 13m Powerhouse comes with two top twos and a free cupping kit and is selling for just £159.99, while the 12.5m Assassin with a top four and a top two is going
for only £124.99.
To Visit the Harrison shop just go to the Shop section of this site and click Harrisons.