ROB Gray, former editor of Shooting Times, has recently taken up his position as Director of Campaigns for the Countryside Alliance. Charles Jardine will continue his association with the Alliance as an angling consultant. 
Rob, a keen angler, commented on his appointment: “I am looking forward to carrying on the excellent work that Charles started as Director of the Campaign for Angling. I will continue to work closely with Charles and to tap into his unrivalled knowledge of angling and conservation. Members and supporters will still be able to see Charles at shows where he will continue to fly the Campaign for Angling flag.
“The Campaign has achieved much in its first five years but there is a large amount still to do. I have inherited a campaign that is pro-active in promoting angling’s benefits and I look forward to maintaining close ties with other angling bodies in order to continue this.
“My role as Campaigns Director is based on the belief that country sports and rural issues are inextricably linked and cannot be dealt with in isolation. The countryside is not divided up by partitions – policies which affect one part of the rural community will inevitably impact on others.”